November 5 Update

Brandon’s surgery is scheduled for 12:30 tomorrow afternoon. He’s taking it easy today, staying in with Kristen and the girls. We’re not sure how long this surgery is supposed to last, but we will update this page as soon as it’s over and we’ve talked with the doctor. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Brandon truly appreciates the support he gets from each and every one of you!


4 thoughts on “November 5 Update

  1. Sends lots of positive thoughts and prayers.
    Strength for all, healing hands and lots of hugs. We will be thinking of you Brandon.

  2. I say a prayer for you each day my friend, Take care of yourself and know there are many many people in your corner.

  3. Brandon, I am thinking about you and your family today and will be saying lots of prayers today for all of you including your surgeon and medical team!

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