May 11 – No Surgery Today

We ended up bringing Brandon to the hospital after 9:00 last night because he was not doing well. His doctor admitted him and put him on IV fluids to help with the nausea and cramping. They ran labs last night, and his creatinine (kidney value) was more elevated. They think that’s due to dehydration.

They brought us to pre-op around 6:00 am and began prepping him for a 7:45 surgery. However, his surgeon just came in and said they ran labs again this morning, and the values were slightly higher again. The fluids haven’t reversed it yet. Rather than do the surgery today and risk further kidney damage, he has decided to postpone it until Monday and keep him in the hospital over the weekend to see if the kidney numbers stabilize. He said he will do the surgery on Monday, but it won’t be first thing and Brandon won’t be the only one on the schedule that day. We will update more later today.

5 thoughts on “May 11 – No Surgery Today

  1. We are watching for your updates and are still praying for only the best results for Brandon. Sending you all our positive wishes and love. ❤️

  2. Keep the faith Brandon. So many warriors are praying for you. This too shall pass and there will be a silver lining. Good things are in store for you and your family. Sending love and prayers.

  3. Love the photo, just started following and am praying to El Shaddai, the God that is more than enough! Keep the faith and keep looking to HIM!

  4. Brandon Im sure this is not what you guys wanted but rest up over the weekend and hope for good positive results nexr week. Bless you.

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