June 23 – Brandon – 1/Cancer – 0

Finally! We got some good news. We posted earlier that Dr. Al-Kasspooles (oncology surgeon) was going to take Brandon’s case before the tumor board (of experts) today. That happened, and the board recommended continued monitoring but no systemic chemo at this point. They reviewed his medical records and agreed that the surgeon had removed all of the cancer, so Brandon is currently cancer-free. They will do follow-up scans every 90 days to see if any evidence of disease returns. They will monitor every 3 months for several years. If he remains clear, they will monitor yearly. The war is not over, but this battle is!

Brandon was feeling better this afternoon after hearing the news from his doctor. He went out to dinner with Kristen and the girls for the first time since before his surgery.

So now we are still just fighting the kidney issues. Please keep praying that his lab results show improvement when we go in on Monday. If he can get his dialysis catheter removed, he can rest until his next scan in September. We can’t imagine that he would come so far in his fight against cancer, only to be overcome by the kidney issues.


10 thoughts on “June 23 – Brandon – 1/Cancer – 0

  1. Praise GOD. The power of prayer is wonderful. In His time Brandon. The kidney problem will take care of itself just have faith.
    The mighty power of prayer is still coming your way sweetheart. We all love you.

  2. Praise God!! Brandon I had faith that you would get a miracle like I fidā£Love you, stay strong & positive
    Aunt Phyllis

  3. That is wonderful news! Thank-you for sharing. Brandon, we keep you in our prayers and are hoping you have a great weekend, and that Monday’s report keeps the good news coming!

  4. I totally agree with Marge; PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!!!!
    I am praying for you.

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